Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Mother Run

After running Cinco De Miles for Cinco De Mayo, I felt obligated to create a cheesy-titled run that was inspired by Mothers Day.  The result: The Mother Run.  With no milage requirement implicit in the name "The Mother Run," I had to look to the name of the run for guidance on the distance of the run.  It took me only a moment to realize that this run had to be bigger and badder than any run that I had ever done before (sure, there had only been three...but, it's what I've got).  So, this past Sunday, after BBQing for 11 people at my house (chicken, hot dogs and burgers, for those of you who are curious), cleaning up and putting the kids to bed (all with assistance from family, of course - did you think that I was that good of a person?), I ran longer and harder than I had ever run in my life - I ran 6 miles [queue the smattering of applause from a not-too-impressed group of readers].  I returned from my run at 9:45pm, and as I pried my sneakers off of my feet I truly understood what it felt like to be a mother; I was dead tired and could barely wait to get to bed.

PLUG FOR SPONSORSHIPS: Please donate to an amazing cause and force inspire me to finish this triathlon.  Sure, I ran 6 miles, but I didn't have to swim for a mile and bike for 25 miles before the run.  You can donate directly using your credit card here: http://pages.teamintraining.org/wch/wchtri11/aspiraq31y.  Thank you for your support!